CE Nation officially relaunched!
Posted: Thursday, March 25th 2010 @ 18:24 by Rexxars
It's been five long years since CE Nation was last online. Today, it rises from the dead. Some friends and I decided it was time to dust off Codename Eagle and give it a go, and as always, it was a real blast. Took me some time to find Dafoosa's 1.43, which was a cool find. In fear of the few resources that are out there today disappearing, I put together my beloved old CE Nation.
CE Launcher
With the launch, I also put together a little application called CE Launcher, which binds to the cneagle:// protocol and makes it easy to join a server via a website, an instant message or similar. It comes handy when using the servers page here at CE Nation, which should hopefully prove a nice alternative to Gamespy (servers are grabbed from Gamespy).
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